Angie Roe Photography
Foundations of local leadership.
Constructed in 1923, at a total cost of 945 pounds the building was a meeting place for six represented divisional wards in the district, these being Bullaring, Central, Dondakin, Kondinin, Kunjin, and Kurrenkutten, (Kondinin replaced later by Wogerlin). Years gone by have seen this State Heritage building used as a museum, medical consulting rooms, café, small business office, and today hosts The Corrigin Farm Improvement Group.
Located on Goyder Street
Built in 1923
constructed of locally sourced bricks

Angie Roe Photography
A meeting place.
Whilst the first settlers of the Corrigin District arrived in the late 1800's, the Road Board was not established until 1913 when the Kunjin Road Board was born under the terms of The Roads Act, 1911 and gazetted on the 4th February 1913. The first Kunjin Road Board members held their meetings in a small timber and iron building with their first ever purchase being a billy, tea and sugar. After only 3 meetings it was decided to shift the meeting venue to the new townsite of Corrigin, as Kunjin was no longer under consideration as the major rail junction.
And so the Corrigin Road Board came to be, representing 6 divisional wards in the district, these being Kunjin, Bullaring, Kurrenkutten, Dondakin, Kondinin and Central (Kondinin replaced later by Wogerlin). The building was moved from Kunjin to Corrigin and served as the meeting place until 1923, when the new Road Board Office was constructed. The Board received 3 tenders for the construction of the new office, and accepted the tender from Messrs DH Braidwood for a tendered price of 945 pounds. Located in Goyder Street this is one of a few rural Roads Board buildings remaining. The foundation stone was laid by Coulson Murphy Esq, Chairman of the Corrigin Road Board on 15th October 1923. The Road Board Offices ceased being used as the Shire’s administration offices and library in 1963. Over the years, it has been used as a museum, medical consulting rooms, café, small business office and today hosts the Corrigin Farm Improvement Group.
In 1961 the Corrigin Road Board became the Corrigin Shire Council and in 1963 new Council Offices were built, including the Library at a cost of 16,000 pounds. The building reflected the times with its 1960's design, no changes were made to the outside of the building until 2003 when construction of the Corrigin Community Resource Centre began. The centre adjoins the Council Offices and has resulted in a very modern and stylish building.
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